Contributor Cindy Aldridge
Relocating to a new home can be stressful for people. But for pets, it can be downright overwhelming. Our furry family members thrive on routine, so uprooting them from their homes can cause them severe anxiety, especially since they cannot mentally prepare for the change.
Even after your family has navigated the challenges of packing and moving, it may take some time for your pet to acclimate to its new living environment. Fortunately, you can take some simple steps to help your pet settle comfortably into your new home. I have provided a few tips below!
Boost Your Financial Security
You may need to purchase new toys, bedding, or other essentials for your pet to help them transition smoothly into their new chapter. Ideally, you will do this without racking up debt!
If you are relocating to another state, think of ways to save money. For example, maybe you can temporarily stay with family or friends as you research the housing market and job opportunities. Of course, wherever you stay must be able to accommodate pets!
Stick to Your Pet's Schedule
Pets, especially dogs, need routine. Try to keep your pet's schedule as consistent as possible as you relocate. Even when you're busy unpacking or fulfilling other responsibilities, take time to take your pet potty, feed them, and play with them.
Use Fragrances
Most pets use their sense of smell more than anything else to perceive the world around them. Consider using specific fragrances in your home in the weeks before your move. As you arrive at your new home, spray the same fragrances to help your pet feel more comfortable in their new environment.
Make a Space for Them
You will have many things to accomplish as you try to settle into your new home, but setting up your pet's living area is one of the first tasks to complete. Find a spot in your new home to put your pet's toys, bed, blankets, and bowls to help them feel secure in the busyness of the move.
Wherever you put your pet doesn't have to be their permanent spot. Just make sure they are comfortable and have everything they need as you unpack and organize your belongings.
Spend More Time at Home (if Possible)
You can expect your pet to be more anxious than usual as they adjust to their new home. If possible, try to spend more time by their side to help them acclimate. This might require you to take a couple of days off work or cancel a few of your regular commitments. But if you must leave home, try to find a person your pet is familiar with to keep them company while you're gone.
Introduce Them to the House in Increments
Take your time when you introduce your pet to the new home. It's best to limit them to one room on the first day so that they can smell every nook and cranny and become comfortable in it. Then, gradually introduce them to the rest of the house, one room at a time, and consider taking a few days to complete the process.
Keep Them Active
This tip falls in line with keeping your pet's routine. Make sure they are still getting the necessary amount of exercise to stay healthy and happy during the transition. Take them for walks, play with them in the backyard, and think of any other ways that you can keep your pet active. This will give you the chance to move your body too!
Change can be difficult for pets, which is why you must be conscious of how you can make your relocation as comfortable as possible for your furry companion. Along with implementing the tips above, keep thinking of other ways to help your pet adjust to their new living environment. In no time, your family will be comfortably settling into the next chapter of your lives!
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Photo by Alpha (c)