Part III: Solutions to the Healthcare Crisis in America
In the United States of America, individuals do not have an inherent right to healthcare. Instead, the country operates within a health insurance system. According to studies conducted by Families USA, a non-profit organization specializing in health-related statistics estimation, over 26,260 Americans aged 25 to 64 lost their lives in 2006 due to the lack of health insurance coverage. Furthermore, as of 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that approximately 28,1 million individuals (8.6% of the population), spanning all ages groups, lacked insurance in the U.S., which includes 3 million children. This absence of health insurance is correlated with an estimated 44, 789 excess deaths annually across the nation.
In the State of Illinois, approximately 8.7% of adults aged 18-64 lack insurance coverage. According to the Illinois Health Agents Report, around 5,000 residents of Illinois lost their lives between 2005 and 2010 due to a lack of insurance.
These American lacking of health insurance can often be seen in our neighborhoods. They voice their concerns about health issues, yet, they refrain from seeking medical help or engaging in preventive medicine due to their lack of health insurance and inability to afford it. You may also encounter them on buses and trains, displaying untreated and festering wounds, with smiles lacking teeth, and struggling with mental illness. Furthermore, they can be found in library, on the street corners and at store entrances. They are an integral part of our social fabric, unless one decides they no longer wish to acknowledge their existence.
The issue of health in America is of utmost importance and warrants careful analysis and viable solutions. In my opinion, the key to addressing this challenge lies in whether citizens can find ways to transform the health insurance system into a comprehensive healthcare system or allow both approaches to coexist, fostering healthy competition and giving people the freedom to choose. Personally, I advocate for adopting the principles of capitalism based on competition, which would enable both systems to coexist harmoniously.
Based on my personal experience dealing with government agencies in this country, I am not fond of having them handle all matters of our health. Therefore, I believe it would be better to have both systems in place and provide individuals with the option to choose the system that best suits their financial means.
So, as the Fulani proverb goes, "When a needle falls into a deep well, many people will look into the well, but few will be ready to go down after it." Therefore, in this final chapter on the Right to Health in America, I will not simply dwell on complaints and demands. I will delve into the health insurance problem and provide solutions to address this issue. However, I am aware that my theoretical and rhetorical solutions alone will not be sufficient to change the system. It will require tremendous willpower and effort from the citizens of this country to adapt the healthcare system that works for everyone.
Furthermore, as we examine the health landscape in this country, we must acknowledge that health insurance and pharmaceutical companies wield substantial power and have a significant financial stake in this matter, making them reluctant to relinquish it without a fight. Additionally, many American citizens rely on the job benefits provided by these companies for their livelihoods and quality of life. In life, I have learned that people often prioritize their own interests. However, I firmly believe that the individual’s right to health outweighs the interests of insurance and pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, if change is to occur, it becomes the responsibility of each individual, family, community, state, and federal government to contribute to the solution. This task demands more than mere slogans; it necessitates an ongoing battle that each person must undertake.
So, what are the solutions I propose?
At the individual level
I strongly believe that it is the responsibility of U.S. government to ensure that every American citizen has access to optional insurance or healthcare systems when they fall ill, without the fear of losing their home and belongings. However, I also believe that individuals have a personal obligation to take care themselves by making conscious choices about the foods they consume, engaging in regular physical and mental exercise, and adopting a healthy lifestyle.
Moreover, I firmly believe that healthy individuals who pay taxes should assert their right to healthcare by advocating, organizing, protesting, and voting, especially if the government fails to provide adequate protection. It is crucial for citizens to actively demand their government to prioritize healthcare as a fundamental right.
While we assert our right to healthcare and hope for the day when our government fulfills this obligation, we must learn to take matters into our own hands by seeking solutions at the individual level. These solutions will only benefit us but also help the government save expenses for future generations.
One of the first steps individuals can take is to prioritize eating healthy food, recognizing that food acts as the body’s first form medicine. As Karen Salmansohn wisely said, “Eating healthy food fills your body with energy and nutrients.”
In cases where affording healthy meals presents a challenge, one should consider cultivating a small garden or joining a community garden. Through my own experience with a “brown garden project,” I was able to demonstrate its feasibility grow healthy food even on a limited budget and plot of land. However, the emphasizes should always be guided by the principle of self-reliance. In an article titled “How Does Food Impact Health” published by Earl E Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota, Carolyn Benton LN suggest that “Food acts as medicine-to maintain, prevent, and treat disease.” The same article highlights that the United States ranks ninth in life expectancy among developed nations, largely due to significant health problems cause by our dietary choices. Increasingly, researchers believe that diseases such as type II diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers are linked to the food we consume.
Therefore, a crucial solution for individual to adopt when addressing health concerns in this country is to prioritize consuming a healthy diet.
Another crucial step individuals can take is to engage in regular exercise. Just as we eat every day to survive, regular exercise is necessary to maintain good health. Exercise can include physical activities such as walking, running, dancing and other forms of physical exercise. Edward Stanley once stated, “For those who don’t make time for exercise, they’ll have to make time for illness.” Exercise also can include mental activities such as reading, learning to play an instrument and pursuing new hobbies.
For instance, the World Health Organization (WHO) published an article on February 26, 2018, stating that lack of physical activity significantly contributes to health issues such as stroke, diabetes, and cancer. The American Council on Exercise also indicates that lack of physical activity costs the US $117 billion annually. As taxpayers, we can help reduce these expenses by making the effort to be more physically active.
Finally, individuals must strive to live a balanced lifestyle. Choosing a balanced lifestyle is a crucial decision driven by self-love. Embracing a balanced lifestyle entails adopting a healthy way of living. This includes selecting a work environment that promotes well-being, whether by finding fulfillment in what you do or appreciating the income that provides you with a roof over your head, the ability to pay your bills and loans, access to health insurance, and the means to care for yourself and your family. Additionally, individuals should find a time to enjoy life, recognizing that it’s not solely about work. However, enjoying life does not mean indulging in illegal drugs that would eventually harm your health.
Moreover, individuals should learn to say “no” and avoid toxic environments. They should avoid entanglement in friendships with toxic individuals, abusive relationships, or people who take pleasure in seeing you fail to achieve your dreams. Lastly, individuals should strive to live a meaningful life based in honesty, courage and respect. As Andre De Shields advises, “Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming. Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be. The top of one mountain is the bottom of the next, so keep climbing.” I firmly believe that making these life choices can significantly contribute to an individual’s overall physical, mental and emotional well-being.
My purpose of advocating for healthy individuals is that they contribute to building a healthy society. A healthy society is one that is vibrant and prepared to confront social injustices, including the issue of limited access to healthcare. On the other hand, unhealthy societies may lack the drive to fight for their rights and remain in a perpetual state of "Sauvé qui peut." (every man for himself). Therefore, let each of us fulfill our responsibilities to lead a healthy life and promote the well-being of our society.
For that reason, healthy individuals should not only rely on rhetoric but also act to shape their views of society. As for me, my first action in support of the healthcare system started in 2009. On a Monday, August 31, 2009. I attended a town hall with a group of friends at Niles West High School Auditorium in Skokie, Illinois. United States House of Representative Congresswoman Janice Schakowsky, the 9th District representative, spoke in support of the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) initiative law. She then asked for feedback from the audience. Some audience members shared personal stories about living without health insurance. Others asked questions about how the Affordable Care Act would affect their health insurance.
Meanwhile, a minority of the audience was adamant that the government should not get involved in their medical privacy. As the meeting continued, tensions rose, and some in the crowd resorted to insults. Congresswoman Janice reiterated her support for the Affordable Care Act, stating that those who disagreed with her could choose not to vote for her. She then left the meeting. Outside, there were anti-Obamacare activists carrying placards with President Obama depicted as a Joker or Hitler, and shouting slogans such as "No Socialized Medicine in my country" or " You’ll have to kill me first to take my grandpa's health insurance.” After the meeting, my friends and I went to a restaurant to share our views and understandings of the healthcare debate. Looking at their faces, I could see they were alive and passionate about the issue.
Furthermore, I purchased a documentary called "Sick Around America." and organized an event where I invited friends to watch it on Friday, September 18, 2009, at 7:30 pm. After the screening, we engaged in a discussion about the need for healthcare reform in America. Although only a few people showed up, the debate was interesting in many ways. I was not discouraged and continued to fight for what I believed in.
Moreover, I attended events that supported artists advocating for healthcare. On September 10, 2017, at 3 pm, I went to see a play called Mercy Killers at the Greenhouse theater. Michael Milligan, playwright/actor, shared health insurance stories around the country. Through this performance, I not only educated myself but I also supported his artistic initiative. Additionally, I met other activists and members of The Single-Payer Healthcare Group, attending to their meetings and learning about their approach to healthcare.
Finally, I have consistently dedicated my time and effort to advocating for a healthcare system through writing, organizing and participating in fundraising events to support organizations like Doctors Without Borders. I have also attended rallies and protests to raise awareness and demand a better health system. Moreover, I have exercised my right to vote for politicians who prioritize healthcare reform, and share the same values as I do.
Therefore, I believe that individual actions are crucial in finding a solution to the healthcare crisis in this country. Each person has a duty to contribute to the solution, and together, we can build a stronger and healthier society where everyone has access to essential healthcare services.
At the Community level
Family and community can play a crucial role in addressing the healthcare crises in America. In the West Africa countries of Senegal and Guinea, families are regarded as the cornerstone of the community. Consequently, it is incumbent upon each family to ensure the well-being of its ailing members. When a family member falls ill, others within the family set aside their differences and come together to assist the sick individual in their recovery or provide support until their final moments.
In this tradition, each family member provides three crucial forms of assistance for the health of the sick person. Firstly, they visit and bring food and fruits, as it is believed that food serves as the initial medicine for the body. Secondly, they volunteer their time by running errands and helping with various tasks. Lastly, each member donates money according to their means to assist the sick person and their family in covering prescription drug expenses and other needs.
These practices have been passed down by our ancestors for centuries, serving as a customary way of life that encourages future generations to follow suit. They recognized that a sick body and a troubled mind cannot recover swiftly. Hence, they embraced a natural family healthcare plan that encompasses nutritional, financial, and time-based support. Although reciprocating this assistance is not obligatory for each family member, communities often adhere to these principles of support.
Furthermore, distant family members, neighbors, coworkers, and friends of a sick person also offer support by visiting, providing food, and contributing funds to cover prescription drug expenses and other needs. Despite the prevalent portrayal and illness in Africa through television screens and constant donation appeals, there exists a significant amount of communal support underlying these depictions, which I refer to as the African healthcare support plan.
The IRS could bring considerable justice to many African immigrants residing in the United States of America who financially support their sick parents and family back in Africa. These individuals currently lack the means to claim such expenses as medical expenses.
Despite the erosion of these values in African big cities, I am hopeful that African families will persevere in following their ancestors’ footsteps, despite external influences advocating for the privatization of the healthcare system in their countries. Likewise, I hope that American families and communities will strive to emulate these African values.
I have witnessed similar supportive actions in the Chicago area, such as fundraising efforts to assist a friend against cancer or initiatives on platforms like GoFundMe. These experiences instill hope in me that families and communities coming together can provide a solution to impede the exorbitant costs of healthcare in this country. While no one desires to be sick, the support of family and community can aid in the recovery process or enable a person to have a dignified death. However, it should not be mandatory for someone who does not share the same values.
At the State Level
Each state in this country could contribute to solving the healthcare problems by adopting a healthcare system, constructing public hospitals, or providing funding to individuals or organizations that offer low-cost healthcare services.
In the 1990s in Senegal, individuals had various options for receiving medical care based on their profession, financial means, and geographic location. Elementary or high school students who fell ill could visit the school infirmaries within their school district, where they would receive free consultations and medications. Similar measures were also available for university students, who could access university hospitals at no cost.
As state employees, you receive benefits from the state, which allow you and your families to go to public or private hospitals with a minimal cost and discount on drug prescriptions at privately-owned pharmacies.
Members of the military and their families received free service in military hospitals. For workers in the private sector or those who were self-employed, private and public hospitals were available.
An unemployed person could seek medical care at public hospitals. person also could go to a religious hospital run by catholic nuns. For instance, a family member, usually a young volunteer, would wake up early in the morning and line up on behalf of the sick person. When the religious hospital opened its doors, the sick person could receive a free consultation and medications.
Farmers in rural areas had the option to consult traditional healers and use traditional herbal remedies, which had both advantages and disadvantages. Alternatively, if the village was not financially or politically well-connected, they could go to the nearest health posts for medical assistance.
For the wealthiest Senegalese, they had the choice to either visit expensive private hospitals or travel to France or other developed countries for medical treatment.
As a solution to Illinois’s healthcare crisis, I believe the state could learn from the Senegalese healthcare system. I chose Senegal partly because of its commitment to the right to health, aiming for universal health coverage. Senegal has a healthcare and insurance system that grants individuals the freedom to choose based on their financial capacity. While Senegal's healthcare is not flawless, it showcases a successful coexistence between public and private health sectors.
Therefore, Illinois could allocate taxpayer funds to construct or support state hospitals in each of its 102 counties. Additionally, religious institutions could utilize their tax breaks from state and federal governments to emulate the catholic nuns' hospitals in Dakar and provide free healthcare services to those who cannot afford them. This approach would be a pragmatic way to apply the teachings of Jesus Christ, Mohamed, and Moses.
Moreover, unions could utilize members' dues to establish hospitals for their members and hire doctors instead of raising their salaries to compete with CEOs, a lifestyle that lacks sustainability and lacks the consent and support of the members.
Despite the presence of John H Stroger Jr Hospital of Cook County and Heartland Health Centers in the Chicago area, where people can receive free or low-cost healthcare, I believe that every state in the country can strive for improvement by adopting the Senegalese healthcare system, keeping both public and private hospitals operational, and allowing Americans to seek care based on their financial means.
In Federal Level
In my opinion, the federal government should strive to create a level playing field where competition can thrive, allowing insurance and healthcare systems to coexist. This approach empowers Americans to choose the system that best fits their budget and requirements. To achieve this goal, lawmakers must pass necessary legislation and allocate funds to establish a comprehensive healthcare system alongside the insurance system, safeguarding individuals' right to health. Nevertheless, it is improbable that members of congress will overlook political realities and embrace idealistic activism, particularly when many of them receive campaign funding from insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
Ultimately, the only way to hold politicians accountable is for the American people to vote based on their stance on the universal healthcare system. This will ensure that our elected representatives act to improve healthcare access and affordability for all.
We must also recognize that simply passing laws to allow the coexistence of healthcare and insurance systems is not enough. For these regulations to work, the federal government must provide funding to states that take steps to adopt a healthcare system. I believe that providing financial incentives to states and individual practitioners will help achieve universal healthcare coverage. However, creating more unfunded federal agencies, which are often ineffective, will not be the solution.
Instead of creating additional agencies, the federal government should allocate funds to the states for the construction of public hospitals, proportionate to the number of counties and population they have. Additional, the federal government should provide funding to non-profit organizations, communities and private individuals interested in establishing hospitals, hiring doctors and offering competitive, affordable healthcare solutions. Embracing this competitive approach will foster innovation and empower individuals to select from diverse range healthcare options that align with their specific needs.
I believe that by implementing laws that encourage the establishment of well-funded healthcare initiatives, the federal government can foster innovation, encourage competition, and protect the individual’s right to choose between an insurance and healthcare system, which is a core American value.
I firmly believe that solutions exist for every human problem. These solutions demand hard work, faith in our capabilities, and the virtue of patience. They also necessitate sincere actions and a drive to innovate. Though the night may be long, the day will come.
If I lost my job and health insurance in 2013, today I am a full-time employee with comprehensive health insurance benefits. However, my commitment to advocating for the right to health remains unwavering. My writing is driven not by personal fear or loss, but by a pursuit for justice, love, and the well-being of the human family.
From my perspective, every individual in this country, regardless of their background, race, religion, or employment status, should have the opportunity to receive hospital treatment when sick. They should be able to return home and reunite with their families without the added stress of financial difficulties or the fear of bankruptcy. This vision can be achieved through the solutions I propose: by opening the health sector to competition, where all public and private actors are called upon to provide a solution that guarantees universal healthcare coverage.
However, we must acknowledge that the solutions I offer are based on the context of my time and era. Life is constantly changing, and each generation will have the opportunity to develop its own solutions.
Some may question who I am to come to America and demand healthcare rights. To those individuals, I would like to clarify that I am taxpayer who fulfills my duty each year by paying taxes to the state of Illinois and to the Federal government of United States. Consequently, I exercise my citizenship and the freedom of expression that my contributions guarantee. I demand that both states and federal government to prioritize health. My objective is to establish a system that provides a diverse range of insurance and healthcare options, allowing Americans to choose the system that best suits their needs and financial means.
Yet, we must accept that when it comes to healthcare in America, there is the said and the unsaid, a silence behind the curtain that nobody wants to address, and which translates into these words: as long we live in a society where some derive joy from the misfortunes of others, I am afraid the right to health will remain a distant reality in this country. It feels as though a sword of Damocles hangs over our heads.
Best regards,
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